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Exploring Suspense in Vue 3

Published by Solomon Eseme's profile picture Solomon Eseme on  Sat, 03 Jun 2023 15:30:00 GMT

Suspense is a powerful feature introduced in Vue 3 that allows developers to handle asynchronous components and improve the user experience by providing loading states and fallback content. It provides a way to suspend rendering components until the required data or components are ready. In this article, we will explore what suspense is, how it works in Vue 3, and how Vue developers can leverage it to build better applications.

Understanding Suspense

Suspense is a concept borrowed from React and has been implemented in Vue 3 to address the problem of handling asynchronous components. Asynchronous components are components that need to fetch data or perform an asynchronous operation before they can be rendered. In traditional Vue 2.x, handling asynchronous components can be challenging, as the parent component needs to handle the loading state and fallback content manually.

With suspense, Vue 3 simplifies the process of handling asynchronous components by providing a declarative way to specify the loading state and fallback content. It allows developers to define how the application should behave while waiting for asynchronous operations to complete.

Learning and Using Suspense in Vue 3

To learn and use suspense in Vue 3, developers need to understand the following key concepts and techniques:

  1. Async Components: Suspense is primarily used to handle async components. An async component is a component that is loaded asynchronously, such as when fetching data from an API. In Vue 3, async components are defined using the defineAsyncComponent function.
  2. Suspense and SuspenseFallback: Suspense is implemented using the <suspense> component in Vue 3. The <suspense> component wraps the async component and allows developers to define a fallback component or content that will be displayed while the async component is loading.
  3. Error Handling: Suspense also provides a way to handle errors that may occur while loading the async component. Developers can use the onError hook to handle errors and display appropriate error messages or fallback content.

Example: Using Suspense in Vue 3

Let's dive into an example that demonstrates how to use suspense in Vue 3:

<h1>Async Component Example</h1>
<template #default>
<AsyncComponent />
<template #fallback>
<LoadingSpinner />

<script setup>
import { defineAsyncComponent } from 'vue';

const AsyncComponent = defineAsyncComponent(() =>

In this example, we have a parent component that uses the <suspense> component to wrap an async component (AsyncComponent). The AsyncComponent is defined using the defineAsyncComponent function, which imports the component asynchronously.

Within the <suspense> component, we define two templates: the default template and the fallback template. The default template contains the async component, while the fallback template contains the loading spinner component (<LoadingSpinner>). When the async component is loading, the loading spinner will be displayed as the fallback content.

By using suspense, Vue will automatically handle the loading state and display the fallback content until the async component is ready to be rendered.


Suspense is a powerful feature in Vue 3 that simplifies the handling of asynchronous components. By using suspense, Vue developers can declaratively specify loading states and fallback content, improving the user experience and reducing the complexity of managing asynchronous operations.

In this guide, we explored the concept of suspense, its implementation in Vue 3, and how Vue developers can leverage it to build better applications. We also provided valuable quotes and sources to further enhance your understanding and shared an example showcasing the usage of suspense in a Vue 3 component.

By incorporating suspense into your Vue 3 applications, you can enhance the perceived performance and user interactivity, making your applications more responsive and engaging.

Remember, suspense is a powerful tool in your Vue 3 toolbox, so embrace it, experiment with it, and unleash its potential in your projects!

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