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How to Deploy a Vue Application

Published by Solomon Eseme's profile picture Solomon Eseme on  Mon, 08 May 2023 15:30:00 GMT

If you have been developing web applications using Vue, you will need to deploy your application to a server so that it can be accessed by your users. Deploying your Vue application can be quite challenging, especially if you are new to web development or have never deployed a web application before.

In this article, we will look at how to deploy a Vue application step by step. We will cover the different ways you can deploy a Vue application, including deploying to a web server or hosting platform

Hosting Platforms

There are many hosting platforms available that allow you to deploy your Vue application. Here are some of the most popular hosting platforms that you can use:

  • Heroku
  • Netlify
  • Firebase
  • AWS Amplify
  • Microsoft Azure

How to Deploy a Vue Application to Netlify

Vue.js is a popular JavaScript framework used for building dynamic and modern web applications. If you have developed a Vue.js application and want to deploy it, Netlify is a great option. Netlify is a cloud-based platform for web projects that provides hosting, continuous deployment, and serverless functions. In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to deploy a Vue.js application to Netlify.

Step 1: Create a Netlify account

The first step is to create a Netlify account. You can sign up for a free account by visiting the Netlify website and clicking the "Sign Up" button.

Step 2: Install the Netlify CLI

Next, you'll need to install the Netlify CLI (Command Line Interface) on your computer. The CLI provides a set of commands that allow you to interact with your Netlify account from the command line.

To install the Netlify CLI, open a terminal window and run the following command:

npm install netlify-cli -g

Step 3: Create a new Vue.js project

If you haven't already, create a new Vue.js project using the Vue CLI. Open a terminal window and run the following command:

vue create my-vue-app

This will create a new Vue.js project in a directory named my-vue-app.

Step 4: Initialize a Git repository

To deploy your Vue.js application to Netlify, you'll need to initialize a Git repository in your project directory. Open a terminal window, navigate to your project directory, and run the following commands:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Step 5: Connect your project to Netlify

With the Netlify CLI installed and your Vue.js project initialized as a Git repository, you're ready to connect your project to Netlify. Open a terminal window and run the following command:

netlify init

This will open a wizard that will guide you through the process of connecting your project to Netlify.

In the first step of the wizard, you'll be prompted to authenticate with your Netlify account. Follow the prompts to sign in to your account.

Next, you'll be asked to create a new site or connect an existing site. Choose the "Create & configure a new site" option.

Then, you'll be prompted to provide a name for your site. Enter a name for your site and press Enter.

In the next step, you'll be asked to provide a build command for your site. The default build command for a Vue.js project is npm run build. If you're using a different command to build your project, enter it here.

Finally, you'll be asked to provide a publish directory for your site. For a Vue.js project, the publish directory is dist. Enter dist and press Enter.

Step 6: Deploy your Vue.js application to Netlify

With your project connected to Netlify, you're ready to deploy your Vue.js application. Open a terminal window and run the following command:

netlify deploy

This will start the deployment process. Netlify will build your project using the build command you provided in the previous step, and then deploy the resulting files to the publish directory.

Once the deployment process is complete, Netlify will provide you with a URL where you can view your deployed site.

Step 7: Configure your site settings

Netlify provides a number of settings that you can configure for your site, including custom domains, SSL certificates, and more. To configure your site settings, log in to your Netlify account and navigate to the site dashboard for your site.

From the site dashboard, you can configure settings like custom domains, SSL certificates, and more.

Step 8: Set up continuous deployment

Netlify provides continuous deployment, which means that your site will automatically be redeployed every time you push changes to your Git repository. To set up continuous deployment for your site, navigate to the "Deploys" tab in your site dashboard and click the "Enable Git Gateway" button.

This will provide you with a URL and credentials that you can use to push changes to your Git repository.

Step 9: Push changes to your Git repository

With continuous deployment set up, you're ready to push changes to your Git repository and see them deployed to your site. To do this, open a terminal window, navigate to your project directory, and run the following commands:

git add .
git commit -m "Update the homepage"
git push origin master

This will push your changes to your Git repository and trigger a new deployment on Netlify.

Step 10: Test your deployed site

Once your deployment is complete, visit the URL provided by Netlify to view your deployed site. Make sure that everything is working as expected and that your changes have been deployed successfully.

More Resources

  1. How to Deploy a Vue Application to Heroku


Deploying a Vue.js application to Netlify is a straightforward process that can be completed in just a few steps. With Netlify's hosting, continuous deployment, and serverless functions, you can easily deploy and scale your Vue.js applications with ease. By following the steps outlined in this article, you'll be able to deploy your Vue.js application to Netlify in no time.

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